Monday, November 3, 2014

SHOT Through the Heart

Or more specifically, shot through the lower belly vicinity, on BOTH sides, multiple times, everyday.

I'd just like to let you know I've been taking my injections (to stimulate egg production) like. a. CHAMMMMMMP. Last week's appointment went extremely well. We are on target as far as the cycle goes. I started my shots over the weekend. We have one more day of these two drugs before I go back for my second ultrasound this Wednesday. I did have a major melt-down freak-out over the all the medicines I received Friday afternoon, but I called the doctor and he talked me down from the ledge. We are looking at taking the eggs early next week, fingers crossed. 

I'm keeping it short and sweet tonight because I'm riding the high from Mike and I being the ultimate tag-team at mixing insanely expensive fertility drugs and injecting them into my belly. If this whole process doesn't work, I might get depressed and eat myself into a sugar coma. At least I know I'd make a badass diabetic.

I'm sharing our "Let's Make a Baby" themed Meth Lab photo below to give you an idea of the stress I've been feeling the last few days.  
**Disclaimer: After posting this I googled, "meth lab" because let's be honest, the closest I've ever come to one is binge watching Breaking Bad. Not sure what I had in mind when I pictured a meth lab, but I'm disappointed in myself as a science teacher that I wasn't even close. It still sounds super cool though, so I'm not changing my comparison.
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