Monday, December 17, 2012

Seeing Red

Okay, the title's not what you think! (but yeah, it kinda is). I know you have a love/hate relationship with me right now. It's okay. I have that same feeling about myself. I'm sure you were hanging on the edge of your seat at the end of my last post. I left you dangling in the breeze wondering if, in fact, I was knocked up. I have good news and gooder news. The good news is, yes, I went and took a second test since I had a non-existant period in October. It was negative. BUT! I've had two successfully carried-out periods for November AND December! Which leads me to the gooder news...I am going in for "testing" this Friday to find out WTF is wrong with me! YES!! (And I know gooder isn't a word. I'm a writer and taught it fabulously for a whole year, I just think gooder is funny to say. You OCD grammar people are just going to have to take a chill pill.)
If you know me or know me through my writing, you know that I have Googled myself to death over what types of "testing" I'm getting ready to subject myself to. We all know that I can get pregnant, so Mike isn't the problem. We just can't follow through after 5-6 weeks (or to you medicy people, "implantation"). I have NOT been able to find any sorts of what "tests" are out there, blogs related to my problem, or similar experiences to people I've spoken to about what's going on. I've read about reoccuring miscarriages and statistics show that after one miscarriage, women have an 80-85% percent chance of the next pregnancy following through. Y'all know I suck at all things "numbers" and I failed that category. I'm in the "women who have had 2 or more miscarriages have a 70-75% of the next pregnancy following through to nine months". I do know enough about math to know I need to be in the category with INCREASING numbers, not decreasing.
Since I fall in the less desirable category, even though 70-75% is considered passing (at least in my classroom it is!), I have read that I may be referred to a "specialist". My response to Dr. G if this is suggested to me is this: Man, you've seen my vagina so many times this year you'd think I'd get a frequent flyer card to your office or SOMETHING. Even a "lunch punch" card will do...after so many visits, I get a free lunch. I mean, if we weren't actively training for the Making Babies category in the Olympics, I'd say he has seen it more than Mike this year! DR. GOSPODNECTIC IS MORE THAN QUALIFIED TO BE A 'SPECIALIST' OF KRISTIN'S COOKAH! Geez.
Anyway, I just wrapped up my second month of period-normalcy and yes, I actually prayed and THANKED God for that. I hate Aunt Flo and her over-dramatic bitchiness the first day, but Aunt Flo and her irritating personality being normal means I'm normal. For now. I can't wait to share my findings with you after Friday. It's like anticipating the "results" show at the end of a dramatic realty series. I originally had my appointment set for January but they called me back with an opening for this week. Which usually means there's a reason...just slip a little prayer in for me and hope let's hope it's a good one!  

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