Is it sad that I am now officially qualified to apply for a job as an NBC Olympic Commentator's job? I have literally watched every sport competition aired on DirecTV since about 8 this morning. OBSESSED. With my luck, instead of getting the prime positions like Men's Swimming, or Men's Syncronized Diving, which would allow me to use humorous jaunts like "Kristin Peebles here at the Aquatic Center in London's Olympic Park preparing for the men's 100M. We are on air, Lochte and Loaded"...Please argue with me that that is not the best line you've ever heard.
I've watched men's and women's weight lifting, archery, handball (yes. HANDBALL!), and jujitsu, just to name a few. Not only have I thought to myself "what the hell is this" a thousand times today, I am now an expert in qualifying and scoring, and know way too much about snatches with clean and jerks. Yes. I have no life. On to the reason I have the said 'no life' is I am on bedrest. YES! Unfortunately, bedrest is nowhere near as awesome as I thought it would be. Mainly because it's summer vacation and I was already on "bed rest". Now that it's official, I'm enjoying it not so much. I am on bedrest for no, not an injury, but for yes, another miscarriage. I know, I know. You probably just said "oh that's bullshit" out loud. If you didn't, well, let me assure you those were my exact words when I went to the bathroom Saturday evening and got a nice view of bright red blood after finding out a week earlier that I was about 5 weeks pregnant.
If you haven't been keeping up with this blog, see my first post! I had my first miscarriage in October. As it was considered a fluke, we have been busting balls to conceive since then. This time around, I had many of the crazy pregnant lady symptoms unlike the first go round. Intense boob pain, peeing like every 10 minutes, exhaustion, and a missed period. Mike and I were tight-lipped as we didn't want to jinx ourselves like we felt we did the first time. I even pulled the "pregnancy card" and made Mike go grocery shopping last week. Anyway, we were much more aware of what could happen instead of being blindsided like last time. So when I wiped and saw blood, I just had a moment of pure anger rather than despair. Of course I allowed myself to get really upset for about 10 minutes but it passed. Mike took me to the Johnston Willis ER where I stayed for a few hours on Saturday night not because we were unsure of what was happening, but because I wanted somebody to tell me WHY this was happening during the process. With positive pregnancy blood and urine tests but blank ultrasounds, they told me nothing. I was labeled a "threatened miscarriage". They did give me 2 Tylenols and let me watch the Olympics while we waited. At this point, we were past the grieving, past the anger, and onto the accepting stages of what was happening. Accepting for us is the "can't-be-serious, highly inappropriate, giggly stage". It basically distracts us from the sadness of the situation as it occurs. I asked my doctor what type of pain reliever I could have and she said, "Tylenol: Extra Strength". Mike said I could be the new spokesperson for "Tylenol: Miscarriage". Bust. We have been playing out fake commercials randomly since Saturday.
So after a full day of abosolutely nothing (blood-wise) I started bleeding again today and took one of my many pregnacy tests. It was a weak negative, which means my Hcg's were dropping, hence, no babies. I should totally invent pregnancy tests that predict miscarriages. The first test I took last week said "YES", which I thought was hilarious, instead of changing colors or pink lines. My invented tests would say, "MAAAYYYYBE", "KINDA, BUT DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP", or "EPIC FAIL". Sadly, I don't think people would find humor in these situations like we weirdos do.
This post has been short and sweet (like my most recent pregnancy...BAZINGA!) but I wanted to share the reason why I haven't posted about exercising and losing weight like my last post implied I would. We are doing really well, just a little disappointed. I'm on light rest til Friday and then hopefully I'll get back to some sort of normalcy. We do, however, intend to kick miscarriage's ass in the coming months. August-October is prime baby-making time in the Peebles' household. So don't feel sad or sympathetic for us, just pray we can COOK ONE LONGER THAN 6 WEEKS next time. Eventually we'll get one to stay for 9 months :)
I'll leave you with this thought from my last post, "Chubby Girls Can't Have Babies"...
My last visit at the GYN was June 23. Pretty sure I concieved the week after. Chubby Girls Can DEFINITELY make babies, we just have an oven default that needs to be repaired before the next one settles in. In yo face, Dr. Gospenedtic!!!!! On to the next one...
I've watched men's and women's weight lifting, archery, handball (yes. HANDBALL!), and jujitsu, just to name a few. Not only have I thought to myself "what the hell is this" a thousand times today, I am now an expert in qualifying and scoring, and know way too much about snatches with clean and jerks. Yes. I have no life. On to the reason I have the said 'no life' is I am on bedrest. YES! Unfortunately, bedrest is nowhere near as awesome as I thought it would be. Mainly because it's summer vacation and I was already on "bed rest". Now that it's official, I'm enjoying it not so much. I am on bedrest for no, not an injury, but for yes, another miscarriage. I know, I know. You probably just said "oh that's bullshit" out loud. If you didn't, well, let me assure you those were my exact words when I went to the bathroom Saturday evening and got a nice view of bright red blood after finding out a week earlier that I was about 5 weeks pregnant.
If you haven't been keeping up with this blog, see my first post! I had my first miscarriage in October. As it was considered a fluke, we have been busting balls to conceive since then. This time around, I had many of the crazy pregnant lady symptoms unlike the first go round. Intense boob pain, peeing like every 10 minutes, exhaustion, and a missed period. Mike and I were tight-lipped as we didn't want to jinx ourselves like we felt we did the first time. I even pulled the "pregnancy card" and made Mike go grocery shopping last week. Anyway, we were much more aware of what could happen instead of being blindsided like last time. So when I wiped and saw blood, I just had a moment of pure anger rather than despair. Of course I allowed myself to get really upset for about 10 minutes but it passed. Mike took me to the Johnston Willis ER where I stayed for a few hours on Saturday night not because we were unsure of what was happening, but because I wanted somebody to tell me WHY this was happening during the process. With positive pregnancy blood and urine tests but blank ultrasounds, they told me nothing. I was labeled a "threatened miscarriage". They did give me 2 Tylenols and let me watch the Olympics while we waited. At this point, we were past the grieving, past the anger, and onto the accepting stages of what was happening. Accepting for us is the "can't-be-serious, highly inappropriate, giggly stage". It basically distracts us from the sadness of the situation as it occurs. I asked my doctor what type of pain reliever I could have and she said, "Tylenol: Extra Strength". Mike said I could be the new spokesperson for "Tylenol: Miscarriage". Bust. We have been playing out fake commercials randomly since Saturday.
So after a full day of abosolutely nothing (blood-wise) I started bleeding again today and took one of my many pregnacy tests. It was a weak negative, which means my Hcg's were dropping, hence, no babies. I should totally invent pregnancy tests that predict miscarriages. The first test I took last week said "YES", which I thought was hilarious, instead of changing colors or pink lines. My invented tests would say, "MAAAYYYYBE", "KINDA, BUT DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP", or "EPIC FAIL". Sadly, I don't think people would find humor in these situations like we weirdos do.
This post has been short and sweet (like my most recent pregnancy...BAZINGA!) but I wanted to share the reason why I haven't posted about exercising and losing weight like my last post implied I would. We are doing really well, just a little disappointed. I'm on light rest til Friday and then hopefully I'll get back to some sort of normalcy. We do, however, intend to kick miscarriage's ass in the coming months. August-October is prime baby-making time in the Peebles' household. So don't feel sad or sympathetic for us, just pray we can COOK ONE LONGER THAN 6 WEEKS next time. Eventually we'll get one to stay for 9 months :)
I'll leave you with this thought from my last post, "Chubby Girls Can't Have Babies"...
My last visit at the GYN was June 23. Pretty sure I concieved the week after. Chubby Girls Can DEFINITELY make babies, we just have an oven default that needs to be repaired before the next one settles in. In yo face, Dr. Gospenedtic!!!!! On to the next one...
I admire how you are trying to still be upbeat and positive! Humor is sometimes the only way to cope. I will be praying for conception all the way to delivery and thereafter for you guys!! Keep your head up and get it on! ;) thanks for sharing your journey and all the best wishes to you.